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Not only is walking entirely free, it's good exercise and it gives you that much needed time and fresh air to clear your head. 


This plan develops a strategy for providing a connected, safe, and
accessible pedestrian network for users of all ages and abilities within the Missoula urban area. It provides a detailed assessment of Missoula’s existing pedestrian network and future needs.

Bike Walk Montana is a statewide advocacy group aiming to make Montana a safer and more accessible place to walk and bicycle. Their work is focused on improving laws and policies, targeted education for all road users, enhanced planning efforts, encouraging more people to walk and bicycle, and creating more places to walk and bicycle safely. 

While the law assigns pedestrians the right of way, it's important to remember courteous and safe pedestrian behavior. Learn your rights as a pedestrian in Montana and familiarize yourself with the safety tips. 

The Missoula Rx Trails program is a collaboration of medical professionals to engage patients in increasing physical activity. Health care providers can  prescribe walking on Rx Trails to enhance their patients’ health. Prescriptions will include the frequency and distance that patients should use the Rx Trail.

Safe Routes to School is a collaborative effort between parents, schools, and community members to provide safe routes for students to walk and bicycle to school. 

Helpful tips on how to walk safely, even in snowy and icy conditions. 

Check out the City of Missoula Neighborhood Greenway Network. Neighborhood Greenways are low traffic neighborhood streets great for walking, biking, recreating and connecting to shared used paths. 



Missoula In Motion will cover the cost of your ride home should you or a family member have an emergency. Feel okay about leaving your car at home with access to 12 Guaranteed Rides Home per year! Just log 1-2 trips consistently in Way to Go! Missoula to qualify. 




Use your walk to work or bus stop to call a friend, listen to a podcast or enjoy the peace and quiet



Way to Go! Missoula makes planning and logging sustainable trips simple, convenient and interactive. Track your stats, earn badges and log your trips. The more trips you log, the more points you'll earn to spend on rewards to local businesses! 


"It’s kind of interesting because you realize that 2 miles, while it can seem like a lot because maybe you have to pass through two neighborhoods, is actually quite doable. I arrive to work a lot happier and back at home a lot happier. It makes me more productive and it makes me a better parent. I feel a difference walking with him in a stroller versus driving and arriving back home. I feel more ready to do stuff. More active. Plus, there’s nothing more peaceful than listening to a podcast and walking”.


- Danny 

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