Choosing sustainable options can be difficult during the colder months, but it's the time of the year when Missoula is most susceptible to poor air quality because of inversion.
Our annual Clear the Air Challenge is a friendly, individual competition throughout the month of January between Missoulians of similar commute lengths. The goal is to see how much CO2 you can prevent from entering the air by choosing sustainable transportation.
Join the challenge, log your sustainable trips and errands using Way to Go! Missoula during the month of January to see how much CO2 you can divert!
​To keep the competition fair, you will be competing against Missoulians with similar commute lengths. Join the appropriate challenge by selecting the button that pertains to the ONE-WAY distance of your daily commute.
While this is an individual challenge, we know it's always fun to have a friendly competition among coworkers. Get 5 or more coworkers to sign up for the Challenge and your workplace could win a free pop-up breakfast! (Missoula In Motion will provide promotional materials and email templates.)
Example: going to/from work using any sustainable mode​
Does it count for this challenge? YES!
Example: Doctor appointment, grocery shopping, DMV, (trips you HAVE to take) using any sustainable mode​
Does it count for this challenge? YES!
Example: Hiking, weekday ski trip, dinner with friends, etc. (trips you WANT to take) using any sustainable mode.​​
Does it count for this challenge? NO!
A key element of the Clear the Air Challenge is highlighting the importance of not idling vehicles. Idling is harmful to our air and simply unnecessary.
According to Sustainable America, modern vehicles need no more than a few seconds to warm up. Additionally, if an engine is running for longer than 10 seconds, it is better and cheaper to just turn the vehicle off.